The Conscious Science Club
Don't let your membership lapse to the coolest Conscious Club in the Galaxy. Renew now for just $5 a month and keep the conversations and connection going. (Normal Price for other is $20 per month)
Are you really going to leave us?
If you do, we will be sad but here are just some of the reasons to stay. Go on, you know you want to.
Access to membership site
Renewing your membership to The Conscious Science Club means you will keep your access to the Member's Area with all the recordings of live calls and other benefits.
Not renewing will mean that you lose access and also could lead to an episode of burping. (That last one may not be true)
You will soon find that you miss the chance to show off your fancy mugs every month. Now think about that one. It just got serious.
It just gets better!
Renewing your membership will also give you access to the spiffing growing community around the forthcoming Genius Groove courses and the Punk Science Movie.